
Bringing a new meaning to down dog!

Rescue Puppy Yoga was founded in Colorado,  by Ravyn Robbins. The mission of this organization is to find funds, fosters and forever homes for animals in need! So far, these mindful efforts have been very successful, helping rescues and fur babies all over the midwest and the southern US!  Whether it’s finding donations and homes for emergency cases or providing enough fosters and donations that rescues have been able to triple and quadruple the amount of animals they take in, the impact is heart-filling!

There are currently more than 70 million stray cats and dogs in the U.S. alone! 6.5 million of which will be saved by a rescue or a shelter and only 3.2 million will be lucky enough to find a home! That leaves 3.3 million animals, over half, to be euthanized. 

With the will to advocate for animals at every opportunity, Rescue Puppy Yoga makes the effort to remind people, Adopt DON’T Shop! For the price of an average drop-in yoga class we offer a magical experience we like to call YogAdoption Events. It’s a wonderful way to socialize the puppies, give them the love and attention they deserve, while allowing prospective adopters to not only see the puppies, but to see how the animals interact with other puppies and people! It also grinds willing fosters, adopters, advocates, volunteers, donations, and supplies that rescues desperately and deservedly need!

Thank you for any and all support! Feel free to reach out under the contact tab to learn more, ask questions, volunteer, collaborate, or just talk! 


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Puppy Pose somewhere in the Denver Metro Area every weekend and once a month in Colorado Springs

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Get Down Dog in Nashville and the Greater Area!

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Stretch to Save Lives in the Dallas & Houston Areas!

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